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110-year-old now Japan’s oldest living man

ATSUGI, Kanagawa — A 110-year-old in this east Japan city has become the country’s oldest living man, the municipal government announced on April 9.

Tomisaburo Wakui, a resident of Atsugi, Kanagawa Prefecture, became Japan’s oldest man after a 112-year-old in Tateyama, Chiba Prefecture, passed away in late March.

Wakui was born on Nov. 28, 1913, the year before World War I broke out. Mayor Takahiro Yamaguchi commented, “I express my sincere respect for Mr. Wakui, who has lived through tumultuous times, and pray for his health from here on out.”

Upon a request from the Wakuis, the city has not released his personal information except for his name and birth date.

(Japanese original by Hiroshi Sato, Sagamihara Local Bureau)
