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Pokemon GO Wonder Ticket Part 2: Encounter cherry blossom Eevee, Sylveon, more

Niantic has announced the second part of the Wonder Ticket for Pokemon GO, offering unique rewards and encounters for players. A letter from The Pokémon GO team said, “Starting April 1, 2024, Trainers who purchase or already possess the Wonder Ticket can access Part 2 of their unique World of Wonders experience. This month, research Pokémon diversity with cherry blossom–adorned Eevee and all its Evolutions!”
In a new blog post, Niantic provided details on what players can expect. As part of the seasonally themed content, players may now expect to encounter Eevee and all eight of its evolutions, each of whom has a cherry blossom crown. Completing timed research missions awards players with goodies like Lucky Eggs, Poffins, Incense, Charged TMs, Premium Battle Passes, Silver Pinap Berries, Star Pieces, and more.
Encounters with the following Pokémon:
Niantic announced a third part to the Wonder Ticket, which will most likely arrive on May 1, but no details have been given. The Wonder Ticket is available for $9.99 USD until June 14, 2024. However, participants must complete activities and collect rewards before the end date, as they will not be unlocked for subsequent completion.
Along with the Wonder Ticket announcement, the Taken Over event has received mixed reactions from players, with some expressing disappointment in the rewards offered, particularly the Shadow Variants of Cacnea, Machop, and Trapinch, creatures that have been widely available and do not really fit the type of rewards players were hoping for.
